
Anja M Maier, PhD is Professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).  Her research focuses on engineering systems design, with a particular emphasis on complexity and human behaviour.  This includes design communication, design in networks, and design cognition.  She leads the Engineering Systems Division, conducting interdisciplinary research into designing, building, and operating engineering systems.

Dr. ir. Maaike Kleinsmann is Professor in design-driven innovation within the Design, Organisation and Strategy Department in the IDE faculty at TU Delft. Her research focuses on the role of design thinking in digital innovation in healthcare aiming to develop and test methods that equip industrial designers to innovate within a connected world – a world in which value is created not only by innovators, but also by everyday people.

John Clarkson FREng is Professor of Engineering Design at the University of Cambridge. His research focuses on healthcare design, inclusive design, process management, change management and automotive design. He is Director of the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre (EDC) which undertakes fundamental and applied research to generate knowledge that improves the design process.

Steering Committee

Alexander Komashie, PhD is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, both within the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre (EDC) and The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute (THIS) Institute. His research focuses on the modelling and simulation of healthcare systems.

Guillaume Lamé, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Laboratory of Industrial Engineering (LGI) at CentraleSupélec and a researcher with The Healthcare Improvement Studies Institute (THIS) Institute. His research focuses on ways to improve quality of care and the performance of healthcare systems.

Nicholas Ciccone, PhD is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Engineering Systems Division at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). His research focuses on investigating the interactions between technology, human behaviour and healthcare systems.

Valeria Pannunzio, PhD is an Assistant Professor at the Design, Organisation and Strategy Department of the IDE faculty in TU Delft. Her research focuses on digital health systems design with a particular focus on the Remote Patient Management (RPM) domain. 

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