News & Events
HSDR 1: Cambridge Workshop - 29-30 November 2018
1st International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research
The Health Systems Design Special Interest Group organizes a number of different events every year. The main ones are our in-person International Meetings; since the first one held in Cambridge in 2018 (HSDR1), we have held one every year in a different university. During our International Meetings, we come together to get a taste of the range of healthcare research conducted in the hosting country, we advance our core projects, and we discuss next steps. In this page, you will find more information about both past and upcoming events.
1st International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research
2nd International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research
3rd International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research
4th International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research
5th International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research
6th International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research
7th International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research
8th International Meeting on Healthcare Systems Design Research